Employee Comms

Team Offsite Flyer

For Wish's team offsite (pictured right), I crafted the copy for the flyer invitation, infusing it with a warm, lively tone designed to ignite excitement and anticipation for the upcoming trip.

Wish - Careers Blog

For Wish's careers blog, I customized topic assignments to match hiring needs and D&I initiatives, conducting SEO topic research aligned with these positions.

Employee Spotlight: Stephen Hu, Senior Director, Engineering

Stephen Hu is a highly experienced software engineer with more than 23 years in the industry. He’s an expert at creating top-notch distributed, scalable services for cloud storage and applications. Educated in the US where he received his Bachelors of Science in Computer Engineering at Georgia Tech, Stephen has spent the past 16 years building and leading world-class engineering teams in Asia. Currently, Stephen leads the China-based division of Wish’s engineering team, reporting to Wish’s US-ba

Ecommerce Executive Stacy All Joins Wish as VP of Product Design

Wish is excited to announce that Stacy All joined us as our new VP of Design in June. Stacy has more than 20 years of experience in customer-centered design and user experience, which includes leading initiatives at SurveyMonkey (now Momentive,) Walmart eCommerce, Yahoo, and NEC. With an incredible track record for creating delightful and easy shopping experiences, she is a strong leader who will oversee Wish’s efforts in designing the next generation of inspirational, visual, and discovery-led

Hear the Latest on Wish’s Turnaround Plan Directly From the CEO

Got a few minutes? Check out Wish’s recently launched vlog series, ‘Inside Wish’ featuring CEO, Vijay Talwar. Launched with the goal of highlighting efforts around the company’s turnaround plan, Vijay provides updates in quick one to two minute segments.

Since taking the helm as CEO this past February, Vijay has been committed to transparency. To that end, the vlog gives an insider’s glimpse into progress on major efforts, including exciting new enhancements to the merchant and customer experie

Slack Announcments

I utilized Slack to disseminate company announcements, ensuring a light, engaging tone while keeping messages concise and to the point.